Your Bright Future
Our Mission

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The Move Forward Partners have come together to deliver a variety and choice of accessible services, ensure responsiveness to service user demand and work with people based on their individual needs and aspirations, to support and promote recovery.
Move Forward Bolton is the name of the Mental Health Day Services Partnership,
This partnership was formed in 2008 between Bolton’s established and valued services and has come together to deliver variety and choice of accessible services, ensure responsiveness to service user demand and work with the people based on their individual needs and aspirations, to support and promote recovery.
The partners, whose individual information can be accessed via the website, consists of service user-led, voluntary, third sector, social enterprise, trust, PCT and local authority services, have formed a consortium that works together to,
• Develop services collaboratively
• Provide training within and outside mental health services
• Undertake research projects/stakeholder consultation
• Secure funding
• Develop support networks for participating services.